const zmq = require('zeromq');
const config = require('./../../config');
const logger = require('./../../Logger');
let qSock = null;
* Messaging Class for the Client component.
class MessageClient {
* Constructor for the MessageServer.
* @property {object} sock Defines the router socket that represents the type of communication that can be handled.
constructor() {
/** Describes the kind of socket. In this case a dealer socket. */
this.sock = zmq.socket('dealer');
this.sock.identity = config.identity;
this.sock.connect(`tcp://${}:${}`);`Message Client connected to port ${}`);
qSock = this.sock;
this.sendMessage('pong', this.sock.identity);
// can't convert to es6
// listens to messages that are received on the socket.
this.sock.on('message', function onMessage() {
let args = Array.apply(null, arguments);
let topic = args[0].toString('utf8');
if (topic == 'ping')
qSock.send(['pong', '']);
logger.verbose(`[${}]received a message related to:`, 'containing message:', args[1].toString('utf8'));
* Sends a message to the connected Router.
* @param {string} topic Describes the context.
* @param {string} message Actual message content.
sendMessage(topic, message) {
logger.verbose(`Sending following message: ${this.sock.identity} - ${message}.`);
this.sock.send([topic, message]);
module.exports = MessageClient